Thursday, January 31, 2013

Day 19: Magazines & Junk Food

Today I am throwing out more magazines...11 issues of Better Homes and Gardens to be exact.  I'm not really sure why I've kept them.  Probably because I feel badly that I don't read them when I get them in the mail, and since the subscription is a gift, I'd like to think that I'll get around to it.  OR, what if there is some really great idea in one of them that will transform my life, or at least my home?  Again, the digital world sort of makes magazines obsolete.  What solution for my home is not readily at my fingertips if I were to "google" it?  If I have an idea for something in my home or garden, chances are, someone else has already blogged about it, or someone is trying to sell it online.  There is no shortage of good ideas on the internet.

Next, I'm throwing out 8 packages of junk food.  I knew when we received these as a gift that I'd be throwing them out at some point.  I just wasn't quite sure how much my family would be interested in the snack food, and as I'd assumed, they weren't.  Normally I don't count food as part of my daily toss, but since these packages have taken up a fair amount of room on a shelf for several weeks, I am counting them.  Someday when I get to purging my pantry, I'll probably be counting lots of things like this.

Today's Toss:
11 magazines
8 food packages
= into the trash & recycling bins!

Wednesday, January 30, 2013

Day 18: Food Magazines

Finally!  I am tossing issues of Cooking Light that I have saved for at least a year or two.  I LOVE food and looking at magazines and dreaming of culinary creations.  However, the reality is...I look up most all of my recipes (& inspirations for them) online.  I have several favorite recipe and food websites, not to mention Pinterest.  Farewell, magazines.  Hello to more space on top of my desk.

In fact, here is a picture of my desk.  Disgusting, isn't it?  By posting it here, I am forced to make it better, so that I'll have a good "after" shot to post someday soon!

Today's Toss:
8 magazines
1 commuter mug (cracked inside...but I'd had it for 10 years!)
1 commuter mug lid

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Day 17: More clothes

Nothing exciting for today.  I took a bag and a box mostly full of kids' clothes that we won't be using to Goodwill.  I didn't even bother counting, but it was well over 10 things.  Also, I'm not going to "count it ahead" for tomorrow.  I am just happy to have many more things out of my kids' closets.

The sad part?  In addition to what I took to Goodwill, I lugged 4 large containers of kids' clothes to our garage to store.  I wish that I had the time/energy to go through them and purge instead of shifting the stuff to the garage.  Yes, this frees up a ton of space in the kids' closets, but I'll still have to deal with an excess of clothes down the line.  It's not quite as bad as it sounds, for these are clothes in sizes that our youngest daughter will wear in the next year or two.  So I WILL go through these bags in the near future, just not this week.  Maybe after many months of tossing 10 things, I will be desperate for more things to throw, so I'll start in on them...

Monday, January 28, 2013

Day 16: Kids' Closets

Because I feel guilty for missing yesterday, I decided to find 20 things today.  We are in the process of moving our 2 and a half year old daughter into the same bedroom as our son, to make room for the baby to take over the nursery.  This presents the challenge of making room in one bedroom for two kids' stuff.  Thankfully I love challenges like these.

Box one contains:
3 paper hand puppets
1 sock puppet
a bookmark
an old cloth book
3 random articles of clothing
the box itself (which had previously been used to hold puppets)
= 10 items to throw in the trash

The other box (which I will add more to tomorrow):
10 kids' clothing items
= donation to charity

As I sort through clothes, I realize how many clothes my kids have!  It's embarrassing.  The funny thing is, that we have actually purchased very little of the clothes my kids own.  Most of them were either bought by grandparents, etc. and given as birthday or Christmas gifts, OR they are hand-me-downs from friends and family.  I don't know if everyone has this experience, but I think because my hubby and I have had our kids a little later in life, and most of our friends have children older than ours and are done having kids, that we get more things kicked our way.  Maybe it is other people's way of purging, and they appease their guilt about throwing things out by giving them to us instead??

However, I have found that while it does save us a lot of money (which we appreciate), that I can afford to be more particular about what hand-me-downs I keep.  I think I should accept all hand-me-downs with a smile on my face and a grateful heart.  But items that are incomplete (like pajama bottoms, but not a matching top), or clothes that have stains or are worn out, I think I can pass along.  Or, if it is an item that I already have multiples of (for some reason my daughter inherited about 13 fleece footed pajamas in the 18 month size!  I'm not exaggerating...) then I can gratefully accept them, but pass them on.  Again, I feel guilty for doing this, but it really would save my sanity and the space in my house if I could just practice this.  I could apply the same principle for clothes that are really not my style or taste, but that would sound really uppity, wouldn't it?

Why do I feel guilty getting rid of things that people give me??  Can I still be appreciative but picky too?

Day 15: The Sun'll Come Out...

Tomorrow is a brand new day

So, you knew this day was coming, right?  A day that I would not succeed in getting 10 things purged from my house.  Instead of beating myself and feeling guilty, or like a failure, I am going to say that it's okay and I will try again tomorrow.

Saturday, January 26, 2013

Day 14: Hall Closet

Yep, in cleaning and organizing our kids' stuff, I spent some time in the hall closet, and whoa...lots of things to purge there!  I started off by sorting a few things that I think I can sell on CraigsList: curtains and linens that are still in good shape.  There are a few other things that I think I can just throw in the trash...sort of hard sometimes because of the sentimental thing!

Today's round-up:
1 print of St. Lucia from our honeymoon
2 cloth doilies that I had in my apt while I lived in China
1 Australian Aboriginal print that I got on my trip to Australia
2 pieces of fabric (previously used as table coverings, etc.)
2 old cloth napkins
and a bag with 6 electronic gadgets (old cell phones, chargers, cords) to be recycled

Total:  14 things

Also, I recently found out that Goodwill accepts electronics to be recycled.  I have random bags of things that I know I can't just throw in the trash (used propane canisters, old batteries, styrofoam packing peanuts), but I'm not always sure where to take them to dispose of them properly.  Will have to do some more research on that!

Friday, January 25, 2013

Day 13: Random

Today's Ten Things Round-Up:

1 old sponge
1 useless paintbrush
4 water socks purchased on our Hawaii trip
2 college sweatshirts
1 red sweater, too small for me
1 T-shirt from our whitewater rafting trip

We are spending most of the weekend at home, cleaning and organizing the kids' rooms, so I am hoping to have a lot more to toss tomorrow!

Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Day 11-12: Maternity Clothes

I have a lot of clothes in my house that don't fit me.  Pre-pregnancy clothes, maternity clothes and everything in between.  So, it is with great joy that I get rid of too-big clothes.  Since we are not planning anymore pregnancies for this Mama of three, I am gladly passing on the maternity clothes to people who are interested.

So, tonight I sat down and sorted out different sizes, and tomorrow I am giving away my first bag of maternity clothes.  (Hopefully there'll be more to follow!) The first bag has 20 items in it, so I'm counting that for today and tomorrow.

Total for today:
17 maternity tops
2 pairs of maternity pants
1 maternity dress

20 items, to be given to a friend

Tuesday, January 22, 2013

Day 10: More Drawers

Today was kind of a random purging day...not much extra time to methodically work through an area, so I just grabbed a few things here at the end of the day.

Total for the day:
2 kid dishes that don't stack neatly in the drawer
1 pajama top
1 pajama bottom
2 trouser socks
2 T-shirts
(these things all went into the donate bag...third bag I've started in 10 days)

1 Cambodian skirt
1 pair of stretched out pantyhose
(these went into the trash)

One thing I also realized this evening is that I hold onto a lot of things for sentimental reasons, but really I never look at them or think about them until it's time to clean out a drawer.  So, what good does it do to hold onto it?  For example I have held on to this skirt from Cambodia for a good long time.  I haven't worn it in years...the elastic is all stretched out, and the fabric is thinned out and worn.  But it reminds me of a very unique and adventurous trip that I got to take to visit friends who are missionaries in Cambodia.  Of course, I don't need this skirt to remember this trip.  I have lots of photos, and the memories I have will be with me until I am too old to think clearly (at which point a skirt will not help my memory much).  So, it's time for it to go.

I wonder what other sentimental things in my house it's time to say good-bye to?

Monday, January 21, 2013

Day 9: Stocking Stuffers

This is horrible, I know, but today's ten items came from a bag in my closet that is filled with stocking stuffers from this past Christmas.  I feel SO guilty giving away things that were just given to me, but let's face it...the shell embellished napkin rings will never make it onto my table.  I wish I could think of some great craft or DIY project to use them, but I don't have the time or energy...they just need to get out of my house and not take up room on my closet floor.  The socks too, are nobody in our family's, more things for Goodwill.

Total for today:
6 groovy shell napkin rings
6 socks (3 pairs)

=12 more items for the Donate Box

What do you do with gifts that you don't want?

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Day 8: Another Dresser Drawer

Tonight I was quite surprised when I saw my husband sitting on the floor of our room, pulling a bunch of T-shirts out of one of his drawers.  I asked him if he was clearing out his drawer, and he said, "Oh yeah, I've got way more than 10 things to get rid of in here."  Cool!  I had not even asked him to do this!

Doesn't he look happy?
I truly believe that owning less stuff actually frees you up to enjoy life more!

So DH supplied our total for today:

13 T-shirts
2 pairs of pants

15 things into the donate bag, which is now full, so we put it in the trunk of my car tonight to drop off at Goodwill tomorrow.  Good-bye stuff!

Saturday, January 19, 2013

Day 7: Our Dresser

Like I wrote in yesterday's post, I am already struggling to keep up the discipline of getting rid of things.  I don't want to think about it during the day, so when this evening came and I saw my "10 Things" box, with nothing in it, I panicked a little.

Not to worry...I headed into my bedroom and started in on some of the drawers in our dresser.  It actually ended up being pretty easy to find 10 random socks and underwear that I no longer wear.  I debated for a minute or two if I should toss them in the trash, or the donate bag.  This is another reason why I don't purge often enough...decisions need to be made about what to do with different objects.  I have a horrible guilty conscience about throwing perfectly usable things away, and donating them makes me feel less wasteful about it.  But what kind of things should be donated, and what things are not worth it?  In this case, my used underwear and socks didn't really seem to be the kind of things anyone else would want, so I opted for the trash.

Total for today:
3 pairs of underwear
5 socks
1 of my hubby's old T-shirts
1 hair band
1 curling iron accessory

11 items:  9 into the trash, and one nice pair of trouser socks in the donate bag

Friday, January 18, 2013

Days 4-6: More leftover containers

Is it ok for me to get rid of more than 10 things in one day, and count them forward?  I think it is.  It still figures out to 10 things leaving my house each day, even if I dump 3 days' worth on one day.  After all,  it doesn't make much sense to purge 30 things from one area of my house, but only carry them to the trash in groups of ten over the course of 3 days.  It's the same difference.

So, I'm counting the 30 pieces of plastic containers & lids I threw into the recycling bin for three days' worth of tossing.  I was ambitious on Day 4 (plus recycling was going out that night) so I purged the rest of the "tupperware" (which I started on Day 3) in one shot.

However, I realize that it is not helpful for the discipline of purging to lump days together like this.  In just two days that "I've already got my ten things covered" I recognize the laziness creeping in.  I need to have this as part of my daily routine, so it will stay on the forefront of my mind & transforming the way I think about my stuff.  When I know I need to throw out 10 things by the end of the day, I am mindful as I walk around about what I really need and use, and what is superfluous and not necessary.  It is a good habit for me to develop, and the point of this whole project anyway.

Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 3: Leftover Containers

I am scared to start purging in my kitchen.  We have a huge pantry, which is completely overrun with junk.  I am overwhelmed by the thought of purging and organizing it.  So I started tonight with one small cabinet instead.  The cabinet where we store our plastic containers and lids...yikes!

Thankfully I only had to come up with 10 things, so it's okay for me to start weeding my way through and not get finished tonight.  I will probably be in this cabinet for the next 3-4 days, a great source for my daily 10 tossing.

So, seriously, how many plastic containers does a family really need?  We are a family of 5, and I do usually cook in large portions, and we make good use of leftovers.  I also enjoy cooking for others who have a need, and it's nice to have some larger containers on-hand to deliver food in and not have to worry about getting dishes, etc. back.  But we probably have a good hundred pieces of plastic in this cabinet...which ones to keep and how many to toss?  Stay tuned...

Today's Round-up:
10 random containers and mismatched lids...straight into the recycling bin.

Monday, January 14, 2013

Day 2: Kid's Room

I kind of cheated today...we made our son clean his room, and told him to get rid of ten things.  He could probably supply our ten things from his room alone for a month.  Mostly just junk:  toys from kid's meal lunches and party favor bags.  I was surprised to see his Hex Bug in the trash bag!  We suggested something else, and little sister quickly took the Hex Bug to go play with it.  You know what they man's junk, another man's treasure!

Today's Ten Things:
10 random junk toys, straight into trash

Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 1: The Vision

Today started a new campaign in our house.  Get rid of ten things every day.  We have way too much stuff in our house, and I am overwhelmed by the clutter.  Each thing we own takes up space and energy, which I have precious little of these days.  So it's time!  Time to purge.

I thought by creating a blog that would increase my accountability.  The whole family is in on this, though admittedly, I will be the main one doing the tossing.

Can we keep this up for a whole year?  That would be great!  I would love for my house to have 3650 less things in it by this time next year.  This blog will be a place to keep track of our progress and work out any glitches in the system.  It will also be helpful for me to journal what I learn during this process

Tonight, while I was in the kids' bathroom, I opened a drawer and thought, "There's gotta be 10 things to toss in this drawer alone."  And so I began:

2 old bulb nasal aspirators
3 half-used bottles of travel-sized baby lotion
1 sample packet of baby lotion
1 pkg of travel baby sunscreen (6 yrs old...I assume this stuff expires at some point)
1 liquid medicine dispenser (we get these free at the pharmacy every time we pick up a new Rx)
1 Moist Wipe packet
2 old thermometers
and the pair of socks I was wearing, which had huge holes in both heels

Total:  13 things in all, finished in 5 minutes!

That's the idea...I don't have a whole weekend to devote to de-cluttering, so I want it to happen quickly, in less than 10 minutes at the end of each day.  It's gotta help.

What did I learn from today?  We don't use lotion when we travel!  I will be much less likely to save samples like this when they come in the mail, etc.  Even if they are free, if it's a product we are not likely to use...don't bring it in the house to begin with!  Or I could immediately stick it in a donate bag.  (More on that another day...)