Sunday, January 13, 2013

Day 1: The Vision

Today started a new campaign in our house.  Get rid of ten things every day.  We have way too much stuff in our house, and I am overwhelmed by the clutter.  Each thing we own takes up space and energy, which I have precious little of these days.  So it's time!  Time to purge.

I thought by creating a blog that would increase my accountability.  The whole family is in on this, though admittedly, I will be the main one doing the tossing.

Can we keep this up for a whole year?  That would be great!  I would love for my house to have 3650 less things in it by this time next year.  This blog will be a place to keep track of our progress and work out any glitches in the system.  It will also be helpful for me to journal what I learn during this process

Tonight, while I was in the kids' bathroom, I opened a drawer and thought, "There's gotta be 10 things to toss in this drawer alone."  And so I began:

2 old bulb nasal aspirators
3 half-used bottles of travel-sized baby lotion
1 sample packet of baby lotion
1 pkg of travel baby sunscreen (6 yrs old...I assume this stuff expires at some point)
1 liquid medicine dispenser (we get these free at the pharmacy every time we pick up a new Rx)
1 Moist Wipe packet
2 old thermometers
and the pair of socks I was wearing, which had huge holes in both heels

Total:  13 things in all, finished in 5 minutes!

That's the idea...I don't have a whole weekend to devote to de-cluttering, so I want it to happen quickly, in less than 10 minutes at the end of each day.  It's gotta help.

What did I learn from today?  We don't use lotion when we travel!  I will be much less likely to save samples like this when they come in the mail, etc.  Even if they are free, if it's a product we are not likely to use...don't bring it in the house to begin with!  Or I could immediately stick it in a donate bag.  (More on that another day...)

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