Friday, January 18, 2013

Days 4-6: More leftover containers

Is it ok for me to get rid of more than 10 things in one day, and count them forward?  I think it is.  It still figures out to 10 things leaving my house each day, even if I dump 3 days' worth on one day.  After all,  it doesn't make much sense to purge 30 things from one area of my house, but only carry them to the trash in groups of ten over the course of 3 days.  It's the same difference.

So, I'm counting the 30 pieces of plastic containers & lids I threw into the recycling bin for three days' worth of tossing.  I was ambitious on Day 4 (plus recycling was going out that night) so I purged the rest of the "tupperware" (which I started on Day 3) in one shot.

However, I realize that it is not helpful for the discipline of purging to lump days together like this.  In just two days that "I've already got my ten things covered" I recognize the laziness creeping in.  I need to have this as part of my daily routine, so it will stay on the forefront of my mind & transforming the way I think about my stuff.  When I know I need to throw out 10 things by the end of the day, I am mindful as I walk around about what I really need and use, and what is superfluous and not necessary.  It is a good habit for me to develop, and the point of this whole project anyway.

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