Tuesday, January 15, 2013

Day 3: Leftover Containers

I am scared to start purging in my kitchen.  We have a huge pantry, which is completely overrun with junk.  I am overwhelmed by the thought of purging and organizing it.  So I started tonight with one small cabinet instead.  The cabinet where we store our plastic containers and lids...yikes!

Thankfully I only had to come up with 10 things, so it's okay for me to start weeding my way through and not get finished tonight.  I will probably be in this cabinet for the next 3-4 days, a great source for my daily 10 tossing.

So, seriously, how many plastic containers does a family really need?  We are a family of 5, and I do usually cook in large portions, and we make good use of leftovers.  I also enjoy cooking for others who have a need, and it's nice to have some larger containers on-hand to deliver food in and not have to worry about getting dishes, etc. back.  But we probably have a good hundred pieces of plastic in this cabinet...which ones to keep and how many to toss?  Stay tuned...

Today's Round-up:
10 random containers and mismatched lids...straight into the recycling bin.

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